m : m studio ceramics

Marcio Mattos

Creating Ceramics for over 25 years

We established our own studio in Broadway Market Mews, Hackney in 2000, some years after graduating from Goldsmiths College, London with a Diploma in Art and Design. 

Our Open Studio Events

Every year we open our Studio for our Summer and Christmas Sales.  Next event is the E8 Art & Craft Trail (see News and Event page) Please join us!

Exhibited Worldwide

Marcio has exhibited both in the U.K. and in France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Japan, Cuba, Brazil, India and NewZealand, with work in private and public collections.

Fellow of the Craft Potters Association.

How to purchase

Please visit our Virtual Galleries and if you see any piece that you like it can be shipped to your address, Just use the message box in 'CONTACT', listing the chosen piece title and delivery  address. We will contact you with the shipping cost and payment method:  BANK TRANSFER or PAYPAL

Payment and Collection from our Studio is also possible.


"CHAWAN" Teabowls

Porcelain and Stoneware


Framed Paperclay Porcelain Plaques

m : m studio ceramics, 7 Broadway Market Mews, E8 4TS. 
follow us on Instagram @: m_m_ceramics
Copyright Marcio Mattos  2020
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