Marcio Mattos


A short description of the piece, approximate sizes and prices.

Chawan "Dunes"

Porcelain paperclay, 13x12 cm,                                        £100

Chawan "Blue Wave"

Black Stoneware Paperclay 10x13 cm.                             £95

Chawan "Green Wave"

Porcelain 13x12 cm                                                         £95

Chawan "Earthlight"

Black Stoneware 12x12 cm                                              £90

Wall Piece #1

 Porcelain Pp'clay,  framed size 25x25                          £160

Wall Piece #3

Porcelain P'clay, framed size 25x25cm,                        SOLD

Wall Piece #5

Porcelain P'clay, framed size 25x25.                             £170

Wall Piece #7

Porcelain P'clay,, framed size 25x25 cm.                        £150

Chawan "Sea Spray"

Porcelain Paperclay 13x13 cm,                                            £95

Chawan "Night Mist"

Black Stoneware Paperclay, 13x12 cm,                                £90

Chawan "Yellow Moon"

Stoneware Paperclay 13x12 cm                                           £95

Chawan "Moon Shadow"

Black Stoneware 10x11 cm                                                 £75

Wall Piece #2

 Porcelain P'clay, framed size 25x15 cm                           SOLD

Wall Piece #4

Porcelain P'clay, framed size 25x25cm.                            £160

Wall Piece #6

Porcelain P'clay,, framed size 25x25cm                             £140

Wall Piece #8

Porcelain P'clay,, framed size 25x25 cm.                            £130

Wall Piece #9

Porcelain P'clay, unglazed, framed size 25x25 cm. £130

"Monolith #1"

Black Stoneware Vessel,  13x18x5 cm                        Sold

"Monolith #2"

Black Stoneware Vessel,  20x28x9 cm                     £190

"Monolith #3"

Black Stoneware Vessel, 13x19x5 cm                                £160

"Eclipse Dish"

Black Stoneware, sprayed/brushed glaze, 20x20 cm.        £100            

"Moon Dish" 

Black Stoneware, brushed glaze, 24x17 cm.                         £80

"Monolith #4"

Black Stoneware Vessel, 27x21x8 cm.                          £200

"Comet Dish #1"

Black Stoneware, brushed glaze, 23x14 cm.                  £70

"Comet Dish #2" 

Black Stoneware, brushed glaze, 26x22 cm.                 £90


 Leave your message/order details in the MESSAGE box on the CONTACT page.

m : m studio ceramics, 7 Broadway Market Mews, E8 4TS. 
follow us on Instagram @: m_m_ceramics
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